Keeping the Promise of Quality Public Education
The AEA Fund for Public Education (AEA Fund) is the political action committee (PAC) for the Arizona Education Association. The AEA Fund is the largest and most effective statewide PAC working to elected candidates to the state legislature and Governor’s office who will fight to safeguard and strengthen public education for each and every Arizona student. ONLY current or retired AEA members, AEA and Affiliate executive and managerial staff and their families may be solicited to contribute to the AEA Fund to help elect AEA’s recommended candidates. The AEA Fund may NOT accept contributions from the general public.
The AEA Fund is our voice at the state capitol – it speaks on behalf of our members from all local affiliates of the Arizona Education Association. In 2010, we were a critical part of the victory that passed Prop 100 to protect funding for public schools and jobs for thousands of public school employees.
Now, the AEA Fund is working to take the next step and seize this unique opportunity to effect real changes.
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The AEA Fund for Public Education is the political action committee of the Arizona Education Association to support candidates who support our public schools. ONLY current or retired AEA members, AEA and Affiliate executive and managerial staff and their families may be solicited to contribute to the AEA Fund to help elect AEA’s recommended candidates. The AEA Fund may NOT accept contributions from the general public.
Copyright 2012. All Rights Reserved. Arizona Education Association Fund. 345 East Palm Lane, Phoenix, AZ 85004
Phone Number: 602.264.1774 or 800.352.5411 FAX 602.240.688
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Paid for by the AEA Fund for Public Education