Ballot Recommendation


AEA 2016 Ballot Recommendations

AEA Recommends Voting YES on Prop. 206

The Arizona Education Association (AEA) represents our state’s 60,000 classroom teachers and the education support professionals who work in our neighborhood schools.  Our top priority is the health and safety of Arizona’s young people.

On July 14, 2016, the AEA Board of Directors voted to endorse the “Arizonans for Fair Wages and Healthy Families,” Proposition 206. 

“When Prop. 206 passes, teachers will be able to spend more time teaching and less time caring for sick children or worrying about whether their students are being fed at home,” says AEA President Joe Thomas. 

Arizona teachers see first-hand how a family’s finances and health can have a lasting impact on children.  Often parents will send their sick children to school because they do not have the means or ability to stay home and care for their child. Older siblings miss school days to care for their sick brother or sister. 

Teachers also see the effects of parents and caretakers forced to work two or three minimum wage jobs to meet basic needs.  Children come to school hungry simply because their families cannot afford consistent healthy meals. Too many students are missing other basic necessities due to the low wages in their household.

“Prop. 206 will help keep our classrooms healthier while improving the education of our state. Arizona’s teachers urge you to vote YES,” says AEA President Joe Thomas.

Learn more about Prop. 206 at